Dear Members

We are now embarking on the second half of the year. On behalf of the committee, we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your support and participation over the past 6 months.

Reflecting on the first half, we are especially proud of our key initiatives and efforts:

    • On Upskilling – We have upskilled over 200 members through our AIWM Regulatory & Compliance Update and AIWM Professional Excellence workshops, equipping them with critical knowledge and tools to navigate the evolving regulatory landscape as well as access to a wealth of expert knowledge from our associate member firms who shared, exchanged and transferred knowledge in their domain expertise to collectively drive growth and leverage opportunities in our sector.
    • On Engagement – We have fostered stronger connections at our AIWM Business Apero and forged stronger partnerships with our associate member firms, namely UBS Singapore, KPMG Singapore, Bank Julius Baer, who have not only given us their financial support but also their thought leadership, to ensure competence and sustainability in our ecosystem.

As we look ahead, we remain committed to building on these successes and driving further progress in building a more purposeful impact in the industry .

With Q3 now in full swing, you can anticipate another series of these workshops and opportunities, including AIWM’s annual charity event. A key highlight this quarter is our 12th Annual General Meeting, happening in September, where members will hear about our achievements and challenges over the past year and the strategic direction for next year and beyond. This year’s AGM is particularly special as it marks the sixth committee election since our inception in 2011.

With that in mind, I encourage all C-suite executives of our Ordinary member firms who are passionate about shaping the future of our industry to consider joining the committee. Running for a committee position is an exciting opportunity to serve our AIWM community and make a significant impact in further uplifting our sector. Looking back on my experience, serving on the committee has given me the privilege of collaborating with like-minded professionals to co-create strategic initiatives and drive advocacy of our collective interests. Your leadership and vision can help drive our association forward, ensuring we continue to thrive and adapt in an ever-evolving wealth management landscape. If you are interested in joining us, please take this opportunity to submit your details for election via the following link: .

Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement. Let’s make the second half of 2024 equally exceptional!

Warm regards,

Jolene Tan
AIWM President